Christina Röckl
Christina Röckl tells stories with pictures, mostly in shape of books. Her already published works have been awarded several times. Her very first book “And then Your Head Will Burst“ won the German Children’s Literature Award as well as the Beauty and the Book Award. It also got nominated for the Newcomer Award for illustration “Serafina” and got mentioned on the longlist of the Most Beautiful German Books by Stiftung Buchkunst. In a review of her current picture book “Chewing gum gums up your stomach“ it says: “For the Röckl’s form of narration yet terms must be invented. (…) She not only explores the limits of materiality, but also creates a veritable spectacle of picture book art on the narrative level.“ (Peter Rinnerthaler, STUBE Wien).
In addition of making books, Christina develops and illustrates pictorial concepts for various clients, paints on walls and boats, documents as a graphic recording artist for events and exhibits her works in different countries.
More about the artist can be found here: