Suddenly Silence

Suddenly Silence
Text and Illustration by Benjamin Courtault
Benjamin Courtault takes the reader on a bizarre road trip. An apparently small episode opens up new horizons and turns the protagonist’s unamusing and confined world upside down! As a matter of fact, rethinking creates new options resulting in a change of direction…
Courtault makes up a fascinating, colorful scenario – simply bewitching!
Printed with five special colours
- Honorary Appreciation by Stiftung Buchkunst/Foundation Book Art – »Best Book Design from all over the World« 2017
- Winner of the German Design Award 2017 (Gold – category Editorial)
- Winner of Schönste Deutsche Bücher – Most Beautiful German Books 2016 by Stiftung Buchkunst /Foundation Book Art
ISBN: 978-3-942795-41-8
Format: 18.3 x 30 cm
Length: 32 pp.
DOP: March 2016
Price: 22,50 €
Hardcover, printed with five special colors, Ages 16 +