In the morning at six

Renate Wacker
In the morning at six
Ages 3+
In the morning at six
Here comes the little witch
The little witch has a lot to do in the mornings – peeling turnips, making coffee, lighting the oven and so on. There’s a set time for every chore so that frogs, crab and fish are on the table at 12 o’clock on the dot.
Almost every German child knows the counting rhyme about the little witch.
Renate Wacker lends new life to the famous verses with her delightfully detailed illustrations.
- On the longlist of Stiftung Buchkunst for The Best German Book Design 2023.
ISBN: 978-3-942795-96-8
Format: 195 x 255 mm
Length: 28 pages
DOP: 08.09.22
Price: 20 € (D) / 20,60 € (A)