Hiking to Flanders

Sabi Kasper
Hiking to Flanders
Five poems
Book design by Florian Albrecht & Patricia Keller

This poetry collection brings together all kinds of excursions: a hiking trip to Flanders, a thrillingly sensual day at the seaside, a night-time visit to the zoo, and a birthday party with Motley the witch. Last but not least, we follow the beaver’s suspense-filled search for a missing field mouse.

The poems come with a generous helping of wit and varied illustrations by five different illustrators: Cäcilia Holtgreve, Mieke Scheier, Patricia Keller, Stefanie Hübner and Ann Cathrin Raab.


Represent in Lyric-Extrablatt of German Academy for Children and Youth Literature

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ISBN: 978-3-942795-86-9
Format: 160 x 220 mm
Length: 56 pp.
DOP: 15.07.2020
Price: 22 € (D)/22,70 € (A)
