A tangled thread
Ann Cathrin Raab & Mareike Postel
A tangled thread
Look! This is a real’ long thread
I like it, it is strong and red
I guess I’t better go and roll
It fast into a tidy ball.
Oh no, that’s not an easy job
It tangles, I can’t make it stop.
A child comes upon a long red thread. Soon, the thread gets tangled – at the same time entangling the child. When the child uses scissors in an attempt to control the increasing chaos, a living creature grows from the giant knot and starts to interact with the child.
This is the starting point of a thrilling seesaw story that ends with the two characters’ alliance in search of new adventures.
Ann Catrhrin Raab and Christine Postel demonstrate how beautifully a child’s imagination works in creating new characters and new worlds.
Ann Cathrin Raab: “The idea was there first and it called for the right words and the right main character. I always find my characters on the paper, in a process that could positively be called ‘casting’ – the sheets fill with numerous different characters drawn with ink and pen until the “right” one comes up and is declared the book’s protagonist. The final illustrations for the tangled thread were ultimately drawn with the computer drawing board and supplemented with Mareike’s words.
ISBN: 978-3-948743-34-5
Format: 195 x 260 mm
Length: 40 pp
DOP: 22.01.2024
Price: 20 € (D) / 20,60 € (A)
Hardcover, Ages 3 +