The Big Alphabet Robbery

The Big Alphabet Robbery

Illustration by Thomas Riegler
Text by Christian Sova

The big alphabet robbery is a small manifesto speaking out against censorship and conformity in our lives. Author and illustrator as a team created this highly original interplay between words and pictures, which intensify each other thereby adding levels of intricate meaning.

Addictive reading in rhymes, as well as a statement on language, power, and creative resistance.


  • German Design Award 2017 (Special Mention – Category Books and Calendars)
  • on the shortlist of the Most Beautiful German Books 2016 by Stiftung Buchkunst/Foundation Book Art

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ISBN: 978-3-942795-31-9
Format: 22 x 31 cm
Length: 24 Pages
DOP: End September 2015
Price: 17,00 €
