World End Party. The Sky above Us, Dissolved into Air

World End Party. The Sky above Us, Dissolved into Air

Illustration by Katharina Jourdan
Text by Marc Oliver Rühle

“Sometimes I wish he could cry for me..” Instead it is Mina who cries for him – for Elia, her fallen fiancé. This truly dramatic play leads us straight into the heart of a young woman who has to live, love and suffer in a dangerous war zone.

Third-person narration alternates with Mina’s point of view in diary notes and intimate memories, all giving evidence of the roller coaster of emotions and the desperate reality of countless women who became forgotten war victims.

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ISBN: 978-3-942795-12-8
Format: 12 x 19 cm
Length: 56 Pages
DOP: September 2013
Price: 22 €

Hardcover, with banderole, partial UV-varnish, Ages 16 +

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