Snorkelling Sheep and other Animal Hobbies
Anne Marie Braune
Snorkelling Sheep and other Animal Hobbies
Silent Book
from 3 years of age
Have you ever asked yourself what whales actually do in their free time, or can you imagine that hamsters love playing chess? So who is that hiding amongst the snorkelling sheep?
The colourful world of awesome animal hobbies is just waiting for you to discover it. Join this zippy discoverer safari and don’t miss even one of the vivacious creepy-crawlies!
With poster inside
ISBN: 978-3-942795-62-3
Format: 224 x 268 mm
Length: 32 pages
DOP: 31.01.2018
Price: 19 € (D)/19,60 € (A)
Hardcover with protective sleeve and poster