Peter and the Wolf
Peter and the Wolf
Illustration by Ute Helmbold
Text by Sergej Prokofjew
Prokofjew’s tale without Prokofjew’s music, that sounds like a demanding project! Illustrator Ute Helmbold takes a totally new approach; inspired by the powerful music she creates athletic animal figures.
She paints no duckling but a duck, no kitty but a cat, and we even get a picture of the wolf’s digestive system. Another feature of Helmbold’s interpretation is her striking use of color – a rich, even boundless spectrum conveys a sense of animal-like movement, almost replacing the music. Yes, you will see these images grow into epic size!
ISBN: 978-3-942795-08-1
Format: 21 x 21 cm
Length: 44 Pages
DOP: Fall 2012
Price: 19,80 €
Hardcover, dust jacket