
Lena Steffinger

Late every summer, Dad starts to get really absentminded. He doesn’t sing as much as normal. He starts grumbling and arguing. The reason? Gran’s birthday is in September, and a son has to go and see his mother on her birthday. But Dad says, “Monsters don’t need visits.” His daughter, on the other hand, thinks it’s pretty exciting to have a monster for a gran and she does her best to persuade Dad to go. Does this gran have long claws? Can she spew flames? Does she serve hot chocolate with frog’s eyes floating in it?
After much hesitation and second thoughts, father and daughter knock on Gran’s door – and everything turns out very differently than expected.
Are grandparents only ever the kind, loving people children’s books portray them to be? In her debut picture book, Lena Steffinger amusingly portrays a rather less harmonious relationship – and also shows that monstermums aren’t necessarily monstergrannies.

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ISBN: 978-3-948743-14-7
Format: 205 x 245 mm
Length: 28 pages
DOP: 31.01.2022
Price: ca. 20 € (D) / 20,60 € (A)
