Garden of Shapes

Linda Wolfsgruber & Jorge Luján
Garden of Shapes
translated from Spanish by Maria Hoffmann-Dartevelle

»Next to the triangle and the square
the pentagon asks himself if he has
one or two sides too many,
but on looking up
he discovers thousands of shapes
as lovely as his own.«*

Linda Wolfsgruber and Jorge Luján have realised a homage to the poetic nature of geometry. Circles, rhombuses, hexagons, trapezoids and a number of other shapes are presented here both as images and in texts in a most visually – pleasing form. This book is an aesthetic delight for both older and younger readers alike.

*English translation by Janet Glass

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ISBN: 978-3-942795-74-6
Format: 270 x 270 mm
Length: 40 pp.
DOP: June 2019
Price: 24 €