An Owl Named Sili

An Owl Named Sili

Illustration by Orlando Hoetzel
Text by Verena Stegemann
Book design Ingeborg Schindler

For children aged five and above

Following  A Magic Cat Called Light, which focusses on the relationship between people and animals, the authors continue their series with this second volume. This is a charming tale of an owl that collects candles so as not to dine in the dark!

Sili, a rare mountain owl one of a kind, lives in the treetop of a lone fir situated on a high mountain peak. Up there she enjoys a fantastic view down into the valley where humans and animals move about.

When darkness falls, she indulges in her candlelight dinner for one. But one night her last candle stump burns down and Sili goes searching for the shimmering lights in the valley below…


  • on the shortlist of the Most Beautiful German Books 2015 by Stiftung Buchkunst/Foundation Book Art

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ISBN: 978-3-942795-25-8
Format: 22 x 28 cm
Length: 44 pp.
DOP: October 2014
Price: 18,50 €

Hardcover with cloth spine, gold embossing