On the Island

Malin Widén
On the Island

Granny lives on an island far out at sea. Gulls wheel in the sky, fish tumble in the water, and every day brings a new discovery. But where do the strange noises come from when it gets dark? Granny knows, and she takes us with her on a journey through the island night.

In her debut children’s book, Malin Widén captures the mood of the Swedish islands where she has spent many summers in her delicate watercolours. This story plunges readers young and old into a colourful coastal landscape teeming with life, both in daytime and at night.

On the list of »Der Rote Elefant«

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ISBN: 978-3-948743-02-4
Format: 200 x 250 mm
Length: 52 pp.
DOP: 15.07.2021
Price: 22 € (D)/ 22,70 € (A)

Hardcover with relief varnish